Why not join me for a FREE business presentation where you will meet new business contacts and discover how to focus your efforts to BECOME MORE PROFITABLE THAN EVER.
This event is for business owners, from those starting out to established businesses typically employing up to 25 people, who recognise the need for independent support to help set and meet their big business and life goals. The event will cover the following topics:
- How to identify and focus on the top 5 priorities to grow your business over the next 12 months
- How to maintain consistent positive action for you (and your team);
- The reasons why people procrastinate and how to avoid the 4 steps of failure;
- The theory behind the multiplier effect and how to make it work for your business;
- How to turn potential and good ideas into profitable action;
- How to develop a consistent mindset of excellence
And, all that is absolutely free!